General Dentistry Services in Jaipur

General Dentistry

Smilemakers Dental Clinic offers high quality dental treatments for all age groups. Our aim is to spread beautiful smiles and a sense of satisfaction for all our patients. We provide our patients with the most advanced technology dental products and dental treatments at par with international health standards.


Routine Examination

Regular dental checkups are important for maintaining good oral health. We recommend you get a checkup every six months.

At Smilemakers Dental, we want you to have the best experience possible. Following your check-up, we provide you with a treatment plan and estimated pricing. We do this so you can fully understand your options and all costs involved ahead of treatment and plan further visits. We always β€˜inform before we perform’ and respect your choices.

We offer extended opening hours to fit in with your busy lifestyle. In case of any dental emergency, just contact us – we are open 365 days a year, seven days a week. Our goal is to make your Smilemakers Dental experience a stress free and enjoyable one, right from your first dental visit.

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.


Dental Hygiene / Cleaning

During a routine Scale and Polish appointment at Smilemakers Dental, your dentist will clean all deposits and stains from teeth. They will remove tartar build up and polish your teeth using special dental instruments. After a professional clean, you will be able to feel the elevations and depressions of natural tooth and you will also get an extra-fresh feeling afterwards.

Your dentist will offer instructions for better oral care based on the results of your dental exam.

Will it hurt?

This is a very common question at Smilemakers Dental. Your treatment should be completely pain free. However, some patients are more sensitive than others, so if you do feel any discomfort – your dentist will apply an anesthetic cream.

To book your appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.

Do not forget to follow us on FacebookΒ and Instagram for all the latest news and special offers at Smilemakers Dental.


Dental Fillings

Dental fillings replace the parts of the tooth that have been lost, due to a number of reasons. These include wear and tear, decay and accidental damage. There are a variety of colors and materials that can be used for filling teeth. The most common type of filling is glass ionomer. Recently composite or white fillings have gained popularity as they are less obvious and more natural looking. They are almost identical to the natural tooth.

The different types of fillings are listed below:

  • Tooth colored fillings: composite
  • Fillings which release fluoride : Glass ionomer fillings
  • Colored fillings: for children
  • Porcelain inlays (tooth colored)

Your dentist will recommend the type of filling most appropriate for your dental needs. At Smilemakers Dental, we use the latest, state-of-the-art dental equipments and materials for procedures. Accompanied with the latest techniques, we can ensure you receive the best treatment and results.

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.


Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy (also known as endodontic treatment) is necessary when the inside of the tooth (pulp) and surrounding area becomes infected. This can occur as a result of cracking, decay or injury. Root canal therapy can save a tooth that is badly damaged or decayed. The treatment involves the pulp of the tooth being removed and the cavity sealed. Thereafter, the tooth is restored.

You could possibly require a root canal therapy (RCT) if you experience:

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold foods/drinks
  • Pain while biting or chewing
  • Swelling of the gum near the affected tooth
  • Oozing from the affected tooth
  • Facial swelling
  • Severe pain forcing you to take a pain killer

The aim of RCT is to save your natural tooth and prevent it from future infection. If RCT is not carried out, the infection may spread and the tooth may need to be extracted.

What to expect during your treatment?

Your dentist will:

  • Numb the tooth for your comfort
  • Remove the infected or damaged tissue inside the tooth
  • Clean and disinfect the area
  • Fill and clean the space using advanced materials
  • Recommend the need to restore the tooth with a crown or a permanent filling

Root canal therapy may take multiple visits to your dentist depending on your case.

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.


Tooth Extraction

We always aim to save the natural tooth and prevent it from future infection. However in certain cases where a tooth may be too damaged or too loose to be saved, extraction is unavoidable.

Reasons for tooth extraction:

  • Decay has reached deep into the tooth
  • Infection has destroyed a large portion of the tooth or surrounding bone
  • There is not enough room in your mouth for all teeth specially wisdom teeth
  • To make room during orthodontic treatment

Your dentist will take an X-ray of the area to determine the best way to extract the tooth without causing any discomfort. When your extraction is complete, your dentist will give you guidance on how to take care and what to take care of. It is important that you closely follow the post-extraction aftercare instructions to ensure a healthy recovery.

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.



A denture is a customized appliance that is worn over the gums to replace missing natural teeth. They are normally removable. Dentures help to improve chewing ability and speech and provide support for facial muscles by filling out your face and improving confidence as a result.

Your dentist may offer one of the following options:

  • A Complete denture (a full set) replaces your upper or lower natural teeth
  • Partial dentures that replace one or a few teeth and that are held in place by metal clips
  • Implant supported denture for a more satisfactory experience.

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.



Veneers are thin shells of porcelain bonded firmly to your teeth to recreate the natural shade or the shade and shape best suited for you. In cases of severe discoloration, fractures or tooth wear, they are very effective in restoring the original look of your teeth. They can also be used to transform your smile in cases where discoloration, spacing or crowding is a concern.

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.


Dental Crowns

Dental crowns or caps are fixed to the outer surface of the tooth to restore shape, strength, function and appearance. They encase a tooth and act as a helmet on a badly damaged or decayed and are cemented on to the surface of the teeth. Since dental crowns cover the tooth, a dental crown in effect becomes the tooth’s new outer surface. Crowns can be made out of porcelain, zirconia (a very hard ceramic), metal or a combination of both.

Your dentist may prescribe a crown to you to:

  • Support a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t enough tooth structure remaining
  • Protect a weak tooth from fracturing
  • Restore a fractured tooth
  • To prepare a bridge when teeth are missing
  • Cover a dental implant
  • Cover a discolored or poorly shaped tooth
  • Cover a tooth that has been root canal treated

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.


Dental Bridges

Missing teeth leave gaps which eventually cause the remaining nearby teeth to rotate or shift into the empty spaces, which may result in a bad bite. Dental bridges or dental implants offer the best means of filling in gaps or replacing missing teeth. Missing teeth are responsible for many problems like change in occlusion, shifting of the teeth in wrong directions, temporo-mandibular joint disorders and gum issues.

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.


CEREC Dental Restorations/CAD CAM Restorations

CEREC restoration is a ceramic restoration with the most precise fit.

Using CEREC system, our lab team of trained professionals can prepare your tooth, and create and deliver restorations.

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.


Smiles Kids

At Smilemakers Dental we believe the younger the better when it comes to children’s dental care. It is never too early to visit a dentist for oral health evaluation. By nurturing a good oral health routine, you give them the gift of healthy teeth and gums which will greatly impact your child’s health in the future and build a positive dental attitude.

To book an appointment, contact Smilemakers Dental.


Emergency Dentistry

If you have a dental emergency we will always do our best to accommodate an emergency appointment. But please let us know in advance if you need to visit – booking ahead of time is advised. Smilemakers Dental is committed to providing the best dental care whenever you need it. We are open on weekends too.

Just walk in or Contact Smilemakers Dental team.


First Floor, S-3 and 12, Sector-5, Mansarovar, Jaipur

0141-4373175, 7877276726


Teeth Whitening at Smilemakers Dental

We understand how important it is to feel confident every time you smile. Teeth Whitening is a procedure that brightens the shade of your teeth so they appear whiter and brighter. Your Smilemakers Dental dentist will first assess your suitability for teeth whitening and once it is confirmed, your dentist will talk to you about the available options.


Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars, also known as third molars, which most people get in their late teens or early twenties. If wisdom teeth erupt straight and properly aligned they can be a great addition to your mouth. However, if they erupt in a misaligned position or are impacted, they can cause severe problems and extraction may be required.

In a few cases, your wisdom teeth may require an extraction, the necessity of which shall be evaluated by the doctor and communicated with you. For more information, contact Smilemakers Dental.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect at your first dental visit?
  • A review of your medical history
  • Examination and evaluation of your overall health and oral health
  • Assess your need for tooth restoration or tooth replacement
  • Check your bite or jaw for problems
  • Digital X-ray to see your teeth below the gum line
  • Create a treatment plan listing any treatments required and costs involved
what do I do for the first 24 hours and beyond?
  • Rest: Rest for a few hours after the treatment and avoid strenuous exercise. Do not rinse for at least 24 hours and do not clean the teeth next to the socket for the rest of the day.
  • Rinse: For several days following the treatment, rinse your mouth gently after meals and before bed using a salt water mouthwash made by dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Hold the solution in your mouth for several minutes, discard and repeat two to three times. In case you have high blood pressure, discuss with your dentist whether or not you should rinse with salt water.
  • Food: Avoid hot drinks, alcohol and hard or chewy foods for 24 hours. Choose cool drinks and soft and minced food. Avoid direct contact with the open wound.
  • Bleeding: Should slight bleeding occur, sit upright with head and shoulders raised. Apply pressure using a small pad of damp gauze or clean linen clamped firmly between the jaws for 15 minutes and repeat if necessary. If bleeding persists contact your clinic.
  • Pain: Please take the prescribed painkiller – except aspirin.

It is essential to not suck, spit, slurp or do any action that might create suction and disturb the blood clot.

additionally, it is advisable to avoid smoking for 24 to 48 hours post treatment.

Are Wearing Dentures Comfortable?
  • Wearing Your Dentures: While they take some getting used to and will never feel exactly the same as natural teeth, you should wear them as much as possible, except while sleeping.
  • Cleaning Your Dentures: As with natural teeth, keeping your mouth clean and brushing morning and evening is just as important to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Denture-cleaning tablets can remove stains or bacteria and are available as denture care kits in the market.
  • Dental Adhesive: No matter how well your dentures are made, they may not provide the same strong, biting surface as natural teeth. An adhesive can help prevent pieces of food getting stuck between the denture and gums. Your dentist shall assist you with that.

Your dentist will help you choose the type of denture that is best for your need.

What is a veneer?
A veneer is a custom-made, thin shell of porcelain that is bonded to the front surface of your teeth. This is to recreate the natural shape and appearance of the tooth. A precisely colored shade of porcelain is used to closely match the color of your natural teeth. Your dentist will ask you your expectations and give you the shade options.
What to expect during the procedure?

Your dentist may first need to reduce the enamel on the front of your tooth to create space before a veneer is placed. Your dentist will make an impression of your tooth, which is a blueprint of your teeth, so the veneer that is bonded to the tooth is made to exact specifications. The treatment is usually carried out under local anesthesia to make sure that it is completely comfortable. It will usually take two visits to complete, the first to prepare and match the color shade to the tooth, the second to fit the veneer with cement as adhesive.

Veneers can restore the natural appearance of your tooth, with little pain or discomfort involved. Because of the strength of the adhesive, they are durable and dependable and also stain-resistant.

How does the treatment work?

Your dentist will numb the area surrounding the tooth with local anesthesia. The tooth will be shaped down, and an impression of it will be taken, to construct your crown to exact specifications. The crown is then cemented into place with an adhesive. There is little discomfort associated with getting a crown.

Although, crowns are made of extremely durable materials, yet are susceptible to decay and daily wear and tear. Maintaining a good oral health routine will keep your crown healthy for as long as possible.

The type and shade of crown your dentist recommends will depend on the tooth involved and on your own personal preference.

Where Are Bridges Placed?

Bridges are cemented to the shaped natural teeth or dental implants surrounding the empty space. These teeth also called abutments, serve as anchors for the bridge. The replacement tooth which is called a pontic, is attached to the crowns that cover the abutment teeth. The choice of material of bridge is similar to crowns.

Porcelain or zirconia bridges can be matched to the color of your natural teeth. Bridges reduce chances of gum disease and correct some bite issues and improve speech.

Your dentist can help you decide the most appropriate treatment based on the location of the missing tooth, aesthetic considerations and cost.

How Can I Make My Child Comfortable With Dental Clinic?

We also offer our patients an enjoyable Dental Adventure, where you can bring your child to the dentist before their actual appointment, for a friendly introduction with the dentist. They can meet the dentist and even sit in the chair, before their actual treatment, so they know that there is nothing to worry about. These fun and educational visits create a positive association in your child’s mind with the dentist and oral health.

Our friendly and dedicated team will do everything they can to welcome your little ones and help them feel at ease so that their visit is a stress free and educational one.Β 

Learn more.Β 

What to do in knocked out tooth emergency?

Make an emergency appointment to see your dentist since the sooner a loose or knocked out tooth is put back the more likely it is to fix itself back into the gum. The more you delay; chances are you might need new teeth as replacement.

In the meantime:

  • Rinse the tooth in milk, holding it by the crown (avoiding the roots)
  • If possible, put the tooth back into the socket
  • If you cannot re-implant the tooth, store it in a clean container in milk or your saliva
What to do in broken tooth emergency?

Any damage to a tooth should be treated as soon as possible because chips or fractures can impact the living tissue inside the tooth, causing problems in the future. Your dentist can prevent the damage from getting worse and restoring the shape and function.

In the meantime:

  • Get to your dentist as soon as possible
  • Apply a cold pack to the cheek or lips over the broken tooth
  • Rinse your mouth well with warm water
  • Store any fragments in a clean container in milk or your saliva
What to do in Toothache for instant relief?

If you experience a toothache, contact us immediately. We will see you as soon as possible, if required.

In the meantime:

  • Get to your dentist as soon as possible
  • Rinse the mouth regularly with warm salt water
  • Try to clean any debris from any obvious cavities
  • Use dental floss to remove any trapped particles of food between teeth
  • If swelling is present, place a cold compress to the outside of the cheek with intervals
  • Take pain relief if necessary
Zoom Whitening at Smilemakers Dental

We offer Zoom Teeth Whitening which can transform your teeth up to eight shades whiter in less than an hour!

Zoom whitening is one of the most popular and most requested whitening treatments in the world – and now Smilemakers Dental is a proud provider of this amazing treatment.

We offer both in office whitening as well as at-home whitening kits. Your dentist will recommend the best whitening treatment for you. If you have a big occasion such as a wedding, interview or just want your smile looking its very best –Teeth Whitening is the treatment for you. To book your Teeth Whitening,Β contact Smilemakers Dental today.

What are impacted wisdom teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth occur when the third molar has only partially emerged from the gum. This allows bacteria to enter around the tooth which can cause infection and tooth decay. Wisdom teeth may also emerge misaligned, which can result in damage to the adjacent teeth, jawbones or nerves and crowding of the teeth.

How do I know if I need a wisdom tooth extracted?

Some common symptoms associated with unhealthy wisdom teeth:

  • Discomfort around the tooth, with or without pain
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Swelling around the jaw bone
  • Bad breath
  • Frequent headaches with jaw pain
  • Formation of cysts around the tooth
Does wisdom tooth extraction hurt?

Your Smilemakers dentist will numb the area by injecting a local anesthetic for a painless experience. Intravenous sedation or IV sedation may also be used. Your dentist will help you decide the best type of sedation based on your medical history and preference. After the local anesthesia is administered you should experience no discomfort during the entire procedure. You can experience some discomfort in the days following your treatment as the gum heals. You can take pain relief during that time to minimize the discomfort as prescribed by your dentist.

What about aftercare?

Immediately after the treatment avoid any strenuous physical activity for at least a day. You may also want to arrange for someone to accompany you home from the dentist following your extraction. Take pain relief as needed to avoid discomfort and avoid touching the affected area or rinsing your mouth. Follow the instructions given by your dentist carefully.

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Our Success Stories:
Happy Smiles, Happy Patients

I m very much impressed n thankful for the complete satisfied observation counseling n treatment by well versed Dr. Mishthu n trained staff. The ambience is neat n clean with new equipments .. Very much contended by frequent follow ups after the treatment. πŸ™

Savita Mehrotra

I recently had a root canal procedure performed by Smile Makers, and I must say, it was an exceptionally positive experience.🦷😊

Eliana Meena

I am a client of Smilemakers Dental Clinic since its inception. I am highly satisfied with all the treatments I have undergone along with my family and strongly recommend to all my friends, colleagues and acquaintances to visit as and when any dental requirement arises.

Gaurav Shrivastava

Very nice , clean clinic and they follow all protocols Doctors are very friendly ,professional and explain the cause in detail. The follow up from clinic post treatment is a nice gesture which I have rarely observed at other clinics and doctors.Highly recommended!!

Vikas khandelwal

The clinic where you can blindly trust on every doctor.. They give enough time to make sure that you are well treated and satisfied at the end. And above all, because of very friendly environment you will not feel that you're amongst the professionals. Apart from this, whatever is best for you is being done for you in a best way

Disha Suhanda

Working Hours

Brightening Smiles, One Hour at a Time!

Monday – Saturday
10 AM – 8 PM

10 AM – 2 PM

First floor, Above Crazy Coffee, Opposite HCG & Metro Mas Hospital, Sector 5, Mansarovar, Jaipur